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Ultimate Fight Night review

By Zach Arnold | June 28, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Results/reviews: Sherdog | MMA-Snark | Fight Report | MMA Toronto

“Bottom line is that if you’re not winning, you’re not in the UFC. … Maybe he will want to go back to Japan or somewhere where the competition is a little easier.” — Chris Leben, talking about his opponent Anderson Silva on the opening video package for the UFN show.

This was a great promo for various reasons, with “Japan” being code for “PRIDE.” It came off like wrestlers in the 90s in WCW calling WWF “up north” or “New York” rather than by the promotion’s own name.

Quick notes about the matches from the show:

Mark Hominick vs. Jorge Gurgel (w/ Rich Franklin)

A fight with virtually all stand-up fighting, featuring Hominick in a dominant position for the first two rounds and Gurgel doing better in round three, but not enough to win the fight. They had a push-up contest after the fight, and Hominick won 29-28 all the way around with the judges.

Rashad Evans vs. Stephan Bonnar

Evans manhandled Bonnar in round one like a child. Evans continued to motor around like a tank in R2, and Bonnar seemed to make a little progress but not a whole lot. They showed Stephan’s brother, Brent Bonnar, who looked like a scary man and Joe Rogan said, “He looks crazy!” Then they showed Rashad’s wife and Rogan quipped that a fight between Evans’ wife and Brent Bonnar may be more exciting than Rashad vs. Stephan. Round three featured more of Evans plowing through Bonnar and it seemed that the only offense Bonnar had working was a submission-based counter-attack on defense. If styles make fights, this was a terrible mismatch.

Judging scorecards: 30-27 (Nelson Hamilton), 29-28 (Cecil Peoples), 29-29 (Darby Shirley) in favor of Evans. The 29-29 score clearly irked Rogan.

Rob MacDonald (TUF 2) vs. Kristian “Weather Underground” (is that nickname right?) Rothaermel (TUF 3)

A complete one-sided fight with MacDonald dominating and winning late in R1 with the cross-arm scissors.

Joe Rogan put over Chris Leben as someone with an iron chin.

Chris Leben vs. Anderson Silva

This was a monster beatdown standing-up, with Silva completely outclassing Leben. Silva knocked down Leben with a stiff shot and Leben was allowed to continue, only to get rocked by a Muay Thai knee from Anderson to win in under a minute. Welcome to the big leagues, Mr. Leben.

Luke Cummo vs. Jonathan Goulet

For the most part, Cummo was completely dominated by Goulet on the ground. It was very similar to his performance in the Joe Stevenson fight. Luke landed some big bombs in R2, but somehow managed to give away the round to Goulet. Towards the end of round three, Cummo managed to get a choke sleeper on Goulet and Goulet miraculously escaped it and finished the round standing up. Goulet won the decision.

The highlight of this fight was the commentary by Joe Rogan. Rogan started ranting about the judges at the show, saying that the guy who voted 29-29 for the Rashad Evans vs. Stephen Bonnar fight “should be shot.” Rogan stated that he knew they were the same judges used for boxing events, and he didn’t know how the Nevada State Athletic Commission sanctioned these guys.

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Ultimate Fight Night review”

  1. Stephan says:

    Wonder if Leben still thinks competition is easier in Japan…I knew he was going to get destroyed…

  2. Royal B. says:

    Where have you be the past twelve years, WE.

    Get it through your head man.

    Ken Shamrock, Pro-Wrestler.

    Kazushi Sakuraba, Pro-Wrestler.

    Who started the japanese MMA scene? Pro-Wrestling!

    Who jobs to K-1 fighters? Pro-Wrestlers.

    Who is the UFC supposed to “destroy”? Boxing.

    It ain’t happening though because Dana is more likly trying to squash PRO-WRESTLING.

  3. Andrew Garvey says:

    The funniest part of Leben’s idiotic promo is that Silva has been fighting in Cage Rage (London) and Rumble on the Rock (Hawaii) of late.

    Neither of which are in Japan.

    Leben deserved his painful humiliation and after watching Silva in Cage Rage I fully expected it.


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