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Fuji TV stockholders meeting

By Zach Arnold | June 28, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Shareholders of Fuji TV stock will meet at the TV network’s annual shareholder’s meeting at the Le Meridien Hotel Grand Pacific. The stockholder activist groups are preparing to put the heat on Fuji TV management for several issues, and one activist site (Labor Net Japan) has the PRIDE scandal listed as a hot topic for discussion.

This will likely prove to be a very interesting meeting for Fuji TV executives, as the network still has not directly told the public why they canceled PRIDE from their network in the first place. This could provide some uncomfortable moments.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Yakuza, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Fuji TV stockholders meeting”

  1. Any word on what position Labor Net is taking?

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    Their position (Labor Net) is an anti-restructuring one in regards to Fuji TV, as Fuji TV is proposing changes to the company after the failed takeover attempt by Livedoor last year and the scandals that have plagued the company over the last year.

  3. […] The first media report (Asahi Shimbun) coming out of the stockholder’s meeting for Fuji TV at the Le Meridien Hotel Grand Pacific on Thursday is that nearly 1,000 stockholders showed up for the meeting at 9 AM. The major issue on the table was how Fuji TV would restructure given the failed Livedoor takeover bid from last year, along with the involvement of the Murakami Fund (producing two scandals). […]


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