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IFL 5/28 TV report

By Zach Arnold | May 28, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Flashback: IFL debut TV show on Fox Sports Net

The TV intro package is the same as last week. We see a review of the Silverbacks’ domination of the Anacondas, with tonight featuring Renzo Gracie’s Pitbulls vs. Maurice Smith’s Tiger Sharks.

Pre-taped introductions with Kenny Rice & Stephen Quadros are aired, pushing the rivalry of Mo Smith vs. Renzo Gracie (talking about their 1999 match in Japan), as the theme is youth (Pitbulls) vs. experience (Smith’s team).

1. Lightweights: Erik Owings (Renzo Gracie’s Pitbulls – BJJ) vs. Justin Jones (Freestyle)

In the pre-match interviews, Owings says that being on the mat is like being at the beach for a surfer. Jones cuts a very boring promo.

Herb Dean is the referee. Clinching very early on, and Owings breaks out with a knee. Good stand-up between the two, with Jones showing more punching confidence. Jones caught Owings with a right hand and Owings went down, only for Jones to lift Owings back up and clinching against the ropes. Owings tried a left middle kick and Owings went for the choke while against the ropes. Interesting tactical fight. Owings rocked Jones with a shot while Jones was throwing a lot of leather. Owings went for the front neck lock on Jones (who was exposed on his knees on the mat) and got the stoppage. Jones’ face was red afterwards.

Winner: Erik Owings (R1 TKO – referee stoppage via front neck lock)

A Strikeforce ad aired on the Fox Sports Net Bay Area feed and the ad showed Vitor Belfort vs. Alistair Overeem. No Kevin Randleman mention this time.

Kenny Rice talked about the creation of the IFL, with Kurt Otto (“commissioner”) talking about how the IFL will allow fighters to become full-time athletes.

2. Welterweights – Gustavo Machado Ximu (Pitbulls) vs. Brad Blackburn (Tiger Sharks)

We join the fight in progress in round three. A video square on the left corner of the screen is shown with Renzo talking in Portuguese to Ximu fighting in the ring. Quadros points out that Renzo speaking in Portuguese means that Smith and the Tiger Sharks can’t understand what they are communicating. Quadros says that the two fighters have too much respect and Kenny Rice tries to cover up for the lack of inactivity. All stand-up so far in round three. Quadros says that he thinks Machado is winning the fight by a close margin. Machado went for the takedown on Blackburn and got it, but other than a few punches, Machado went for the heel hook and Blackburn escaped the hold. End of the fight.

Winner: Brad Blackburn (29-28 twice, 28-29) via split decision

So far, one good fight and one bad fight. Both teams with 1 win.

Quadros does a sponsor spot with Dennis Hallman, showing off products of the IFL sponsors (Gladiator mouthguard, Fairtex gloves).

3. Middleweights: Delson Heleno (BJJ – Pitbulls) vs. Dennis Hallman (Tiger Sharks)

The great Herb Dean is once again the referee. The fight starts with both men throwing kicks. Quadros notes that no elbows are allowed to be thrown. Hallman gets Delson on the mat and remains on top. Delson manages a sweep, with Hallman using the guard. All ground action. Slow, methodical. The announcers kill time by talking about the two team coaches (Smith & Renzo). Hallman manages to reverse position with 20 seconds left in the round. Just as about round one was to end, Heleno kicked Hallman two or three times on the ground with some incredible shots. It is illegal to kick a downed opponent, so Herb Dean disqualified Heleno. Hallman was stunned by the kicks.

Winner: Dennis Hallman via disqualification

Shannon Knapp does an interview with Joe Rogan & Eddie Bravo talking about and putting over the IFL. This was hilarious because both guys sounded legitimately enthusiastic about the IFL being successful, especially Eddie Bravo. This was great for all the wrong (or right, if you’re the IFL) reasons.

4. Light Heavyweight: Jamal Patterson (Pitbulls) vs. Matt Horwich (Tiger Sharks)

– The IFL’s version of Isaac Yankem DDS in Patterson talks about how he works in dentistry during the day and then tries to bust people’s teeth in fights at night.
– Horwich’s promo was great because it looks so unnatural and unfitting of the “suave” nickname. He talks about wanting to switch between being an MMA champion and a musician.

Round one starts with Horwich immediately clinching, but Patterson put up a fight and went for a front neck lock on Horwich. Horwich manages to defend the attempts. Horwich goes for the clinch again, Patterson goes for a takedown, and Horwich goes for a choke. Patterson gets up and starts throwing some punches, getting Horwich’s back and going for the choke sleeper. Horwich taps out.

Winner: Jamal Patterson (R1 2 minutes, 50 seconds by submission from a choke sleeper)

The second good fight of the night. The Pitbulls and Tiger Sharks are tied at 2 a piece.

A results summary of the first four fights is shown.

In the proper technique video segment of the week, Renzo Gracie demonstrates how to apply the front neck lock (guillotine choke).

5. Heavyweights: Carlos Cline (Pitbulls – BJJ & boxing) vs. Devin Cole (Freestyle)
– Cline puts over the IFL and says it’s time to show what he is about to become.
– Cole: “I actually like getting hit, I don’t know why. I’m an adrenaline junkie. It’s fun!”

Round one. Cline gets Cole on his knees on the mat and goes for a front neck lock, but stands up and lands a punch. Cline was aggressive early on. Cline let Cole back up. Both men keep it standing until COle takes Cline down and lays in a coule of punches. Cole starts landing a flurry of strikes on Cline, with Cline’s mouthpiece out. In an amazing spectacle, Cole got on Cline’s back and went for a choke sleeper and then grabbed Cline’s mouthpiece and put it in his mouth. That was a unique moment. The referee repositioned the fighters to the center of the ring. Cline goes for a heel hook attempt and Cole escapes. The referee tells the fighters that there are 30 seconds left. Cole jumps Cline’s guard and round one ends in an entertaining fashion.

Round two. Cole has Cline against the ropes and takes him down. A video square is shown with Maurice Smith giving Cole advice in the corner. A video screen of Renzo Gracie giving Cline advice is shown, and Cline listened — as he managed to reverse position and get on top of Cole to use his weight advantage. Cline tried to grab the left ankle of Cole, but switches to some shots to the rib and a few punches that get crowd approval. Cole manages to take Cline back down to the mat. The guys are starting to get tired. Cline applies the guard. As the round ends, Cole stands up and hits Cline in the face with a shot. End of the round.

Round three. Cole manages to take down Cline and the fighters are exhausted. Cline pushes off Cole, but Cole gets back on top. Things really slowed down. Cline tried for an arm-scissors but didn’t get anything. One minute left. The referee stands the fighters up to try to get some action. Cole goes for another takedown and Cline is on his back in the corner. The referee stands up the fighters again, but there is no time left. Cole cheers after the fight. A boring display.

Winner: Devin Cole (via unanimous decision)

Team competition winners: Tiger Sharks (3-2) over the Pitbulls

IFL Fight of the Night segment is aired.

Next event: Atlantic City, NJ. at the Trump Taj Mahal (Pat Miletich’s Silverbacks vs. Maurice Smith’s Tiger Sharks), which will air on June 4th on Fox Sports Net.

Topics: All Topics, IFL, MMA, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “IFL 5/28 TV report”

  1. Chuck says:

    I watched OFL yesterday, and I liked it a lot. What I found interesting was that Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo were in attendance, with VIP passes of sorts. And the rules of IFL are suspiciously very close to UFC’s rules. From the ten point must system scoring, to kicking a downed opponent being illegal. I can’t wait for the finals next Sunday.


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