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Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 19 (Rampage vs. Lindland)

By Zach Arnold | May 19, 2006

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This week’s 80-minute show is presented by and Our special guest is Todd Martin of, who was in attendance at the WFA press conference earlier this week. The WFA announced Quinton “Rampage” Jackson vs. Matt Lindland for their July 22nd event. Todd gives us the inside story about the press conference and what plans are in the works. Plus, Todd gives us his perspective on what kind of threat the WFA poses to both the IFL & UFC.

Fight Opinion Radio lead host Rob Sayers celebrates his 25th birthday with an excellent show, including a preview of the UFC 60 show (Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie). Rob plays devil’s advocate and gives his reasons as to why he is not looking forward to that match. How does he see the match playing out? What kind of buyrate will it draw? Rob & Erin address these questions (and more).

We have three more segments on this week’s segment, each filled with news about upcoming events in America & Japan (including more information about Rob’s debut fight in Tupelo, MS. on June 3rd). You can send your birthday wishes to Rob Sayers by e-mailing him at [email protected].

The 19th edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Here are your options for listening to the show:

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Or you can use the great flash player to listen to it streaming (without having to use an external program). Check it out (down below).


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Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, Media, MMA, podcasts, Rob Sayers, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 19 (Rampage vs. Lindland)”

  1. Al Yu says:

    Another great show. Keep up the good work guys.

  2. Luke A. says:

    Someone should have pressed the first guest (around the 57 minute mark) when he said (with quite a bit of arrogance) that the UFC trademark of the cage would fail in court. He certainly doesn’t sound like a qualified legal authority on trademark law. Also, he didnt offer any facts as to why this might happen. Considering the UFC has won a case in federal court over this issue already this year: what possible evidence, precedence, or pending litigation does he expect would overturn this? Why do statements like this habitually go unchallenged?

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    [Someone should have pressed the first guest (around the 57 minute mark) when he said (with quite a bit of arrogance) that the UFC trademark of the cage would fail in court. He certainly doesn’t sound like a qualified legal authority on trademark law.]

    Thank you for reminding me — I forgot to mention that Todd Martin is a student in UCLA’s law program. 🙂

    [Why do statements like this habitually go unchallenged?]

    I would have challenged it if I felt that it was an important part of the discussion. It’s certainly something I would consider focusing part of a segment on if I thought there was enough listener interest. – more on UFC debate


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