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WFA chasing British Welterweight

By Mark Pickering | May 10, 2006

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By Mark Pickering

British welterweight Paul “Semtex” Daley has revealed he’s in negotiation with the newly formed WFA and could debut for the promotion on July 23rd in Las Vegas. The FX3 Welterweight Champion has become a sought-after talent due to his continued run of victories over stellar opposition in his native England and America.

His latest triumph come against UFC veteran David Strasser at Cage Rage 16 which has been touted as the best performance of the young man’s career. The 23 year old could be joined in WFA by Matt “The Law” Lindland and Quinton “Rampage” Jackson who are both rumoured to have signed with the promotion.

Topics: All Topics, Mark Pickering, MMA, UK | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “WFA chasing British Welterweight”

  1. Jeynesey says:

    He looked tasty, i must say… short, stocky, powerful but athletic and had cardio for days.

    OK, i’ll turn of my cliche-generator now…

  2. semtex says:

    Thanks for the post Mark. I have alot planned for this year, and negotiation with the WFA are ongoing, i’ve heard great things about them, and they have signed some great fighters.

    Keep updated on my fighting career, by going to

  3. Roadblock says:

    Semtex is a brillaint nickname!


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