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Gendai fires back at DSE

By Zach Arnold | May 5, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

DSE President Nobuyuki Sakakibara responded with legal threats a couple of days ago in response to the long-term campaign of allegations made against him by Shukan Gendai in relation to yakuza influence. However, these new threats clearly have not deterred Kodansha (the publisher of Gendai) from their aggressive article series against DSE. The newest preview for the magazine lists the following teaser (in Japanese):


In short, the focus will be on the alleged owner of PRIDE, Mr. I (Ishizaka), who Gendai has claimed is a major yakuza boss. The teaser refers to a “famous sponsor” who gave Mr. I a big house. I will post an article summary when the new magazine is made available to the public.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Yakuza, Zach Arnold | 7 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

7 Responses to “Gendai fires back at DSE”

  1. will allen says:

    wow. i am studying japanese and these articles are really interesting. i understood most of that stuff but what does “一部上場” mean?

  2. T2y-Sano says:

    >will allen-san
    “一部上場” means the company’stocks is on Tokyo stock market stage 1=high grade.

  3. Lucius says:

    I keep hoping something like this will happen to the NBA (which, when you get right down to it, is more worked than PRIDE is).

  4. Shaolin says:

    Hey zach why dont you change your website to,, or

    GO back to reporting, the person making the biggest fuss speculating on everything is you.

  5. Tomahawk says:

    Hey Shaolin what’s your problem? Are you envolved with Pride? If this is true and it’s being reported on japanese newspapers then why shouldn’t we be informed about it?

  6. Zach Arnold says:

    [GO back to reporting, the person making the biggest fuss speculating on everything is you.]

    I’m glad you feel that I have such power and influence.

    I’m not one of the many reporters attending the press conferences with Sakakibara and asking him about Gendai, only to get the silent treatment. Nope, not one bit. 🙂

  7. Schtoo says:

    Guys, did you happen to notice the name of this website?….operant word there being “opinion” If you don’t understand the ramifications of this word …..look it up, and shut up!