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K-1 4/29 Las Vegas results

By Zach Arnold | April 30, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Ironically, the promotion has not listed the Las Vegas show results on their American site, but posted them on their Japanese site. Here are the results…

4/29 Mirage Hotel (Grand Ball Room), Las Vegas

  1. Reserve Fight: Alexander Pitchkounov defeated Patrick Barry after 3R by a 2-1 judges’ decision (29-28 twice, 28-29)
  2. USA GP Tournament: Gary “Big Daddy” Goodridge defeated Kengo Watanabe in R1 in 40 seconds by KO from a right hook.
  3. USA GP Tournament: Scott Lighty defeated Dewey Cooper after 3R by a 3-0 judges’ decision (29-28 three times)
  4. USA GP Tournament: Carter Williams defeated Yusuke Fujimoto after 3R by a 3-0 judges’ decision (30-26, 29-27 twice)
  5. USA GP Tournament: Chalid “Die Faust” Arrab defeated Sean O’Haire in R1 in 23 seconds by KO with a right uppercut.
  6. Ruslan Karaev defeated Stefan Leko after 3R by a 3-0 judges’ decision (28-27, 29-27 twice)
  7. USA GP Tournament: Gary “Big Daddy” Goodridge defeated Scott Lighty in R1 in 34 seconds by TKO (two knockdowns).
  8. USA GP Tournament: Carter Williams defeated Chalid “Die Faust” Arrab after 3R by a 2-1 judges’ decision.
  9. Semmy Schilt defeated Musashi after 3R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  10. “Techno Goliath” Choi Hong-Man defeated The Predator after 3R by a 3-0 judges’ decision.
  11. USA GP Tournament finals: Chalid “Die Faust” Arrab defeated Gary “Big Daddy” Goodridge in R3 by KO.

Topics: All Topics, K-1, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “K-1 4/29 Las Vegas results”

  1. Chuck says:

    Let me guess…..reason Arrab went on to the finals was becasue Williams got injured against Arrab, Arrab was ok to go on because of K-1’s “survivor rule”, so he went on to win the tournament. Well, good for him. Let’s see what he can do from here on in.


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