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Killing a Gimmick~!

By Luke | April 7, 2006

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By: Luke Nicholson

In 2000, and in 2003 the PRIDE GP Tournaments were special. They were events that didn’t happen everyday, and because of that, the intrigue to watch was higher than for your run-of-the-mill card. Fast forward to 2006. Since 2003, we’ve now had FOUR GP Tournaments in a little less than four years, and my interest in this next upcoming GP, is at an all-time low.

Obviously, it isn’t because the calibre of the fighters has dropped, because it hasn’t. The calibre of the fighters is great. But, we don’t have to see them fight in a GP every year. Tournaments should be special because then, when you win one, or you lose in an exciting or noteworthy fashion (ie. Sakuraba in 2000), your career is elevated by it. When you hold a GP tournament every year, or GOD forbid, two or three times per year. The buzz is gone. The bloom is off the rose.

With the latest announcement of the WW GP thats supposed to start in June, its now officiallly overkill. I have zero inclination to watch this GP. The fights will be good, but their is nothing special about it, and nothing that screams “MUST SEE”. Its featuring the same core guys that fought last September, and December. And, odds are, it will be similar guys who make it to the finals. Why not hold the GP every two or three years so that you get different participants, and you crown a different winner every time, and hopefully, in the process you create a new star.

The GP Tournaments now scream “LAZY BOOKING”. A 16 man GP tournament fills three cards. Thats three of five or six main cards that DSE runs, and three of five or six Bushido shows that DSE runs. If you run a Bushido GP and a PRIDE GP, thats at least half the shows every year that are based on a GP. That, in my opinion, is far to much.

There would be nothing wrong with booking more single cards that aren’t tied into a GP, it would allow them to be more creative with their matchmaking, and even allow them to maybe establish a few more native fighters to put in the GPs when they’re held. That way, native Japanese fans, who pay to see the GPs in Japan, have a reason to be interested. There is a native fighter who they believe can win the GP. And, whether its popular or not, thats what sells tickets in Japan – the prospect of a native fighter beating the best in the world to win the tournament.

Topics: Japan, Luke Nicholson, MMA, PRIDE | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Killing a Gimmick~!”

  1. HijoDelOso says:

    I agree completely. Pride has beaten this concept into the ground. Annual and even multiple GPs per year is simply beating a dead horse at this point. As you said, it is lazy booking.

  2. Jeff says:

    Tournaments are great, I think it adds the feel of a pro-circuit. Why do you guys always use pro-wrestling terms to describe everything on this blog? It taints the coverage and editorial pieces with a really weird skew. Gimmicks? Bookings? Leave the pro-wrestling terminology for pro-wrestling, it sounds stupid in the context of MMA. To end my thoughts, what the hell is so lazy about putting 16 of the best fighters in a tournamnet? Keeps the fighters motivated and puts asses in the seats.

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    A gimmick is not necessarily a wrestling term, although it is used in the business.

    And in this case, abusing a concept or format means making it a gimmick in the form of a verb. 🙂

  4. Luke says:

    Jeff, funny you mentioned that about using the term gimmick. I was just thinking about changing the title. As far as “booking”, thats another term that can be used in a lot of different ways. Booking a guest. Booking a show. Booking plane tickets. Booking a tournament? Whats the difference?

    And, actually when the CONCEPT gets worn out, it won’t put asses in the seats anymore. People will tire of it, and they won’t go. They might as well do it less and keep it special so that when it is done, it means something. Its meaning is being diluted. You can still put together good fights, and such without using the GP, its just that using a tournament format is easier. And, because they do it so much, it seems very lazy.

    Also, its like UFC’s gladiator opening and theme music. I’ve heard it so much, that I’m tired of it, its old. Its time for something new, something fresh. There is nothing “Pro-Wrestling” about that. Everything gets old, and needs to be changed up. Going away from the GP tournaments for a couple years wouldn’t hurt PRIDE.

  5. Jeff says:

    Thanks for the response Luke, I can see your point about the over use of the tournament format, I’m not bored of the format yet but maybe I’m in the minority?

  6. Luke says:

    No problem. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I made mine clear in the article.

  7. HijoDelOso says:

    I’m bored with the tournament concept in Pride but wish the UFC could try it to freshen them up. Both organizations are stale in their own way. Iceman, Huntington Beach Bad boy, Cro-cop, Beast, Predator, Hammer, Natural, Punk, Lil Evil, Axe Murderer…..its a good thing mma doesn’t use gimmick names like pro rasslin. 🙂

  8. HijoDelOso says:

    From what I read California doesn’t ban the tourneys (unless I missed it) so maybe the UFC could do a tourney there with the lighter weight classes just to shake things up.

    My suggestion for the latest gimmick name is Marc “The Envoy” Ratner. 🙂 Hey….at least its not as bad as Dana “Fkn” White.


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