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New Fedor Interview

By Rob Sayers | February 24, 2006

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Contrary to previous reports, Fedor has stated in his most recent interview with Pride FC, that his hand may be healed in time to participate in the Openweight GP. He also said that if he is unable to compete, he will support his younger brother, Alexander’s efforts to win the Grand Prix.

Original Interview

Topics: All Topics, MMA, PRIDE, Rob Sayers | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “New Fedor Interview”

  1. […] According to FightOpinion Fedor Emelianenko’s hand injury may heal in time for him to compete in Pride’s upcoming Openweight Grand Prix. […]

  2. Tomer says:

    I hope that Fedor stays out of the Openweight GP, to be honest. He’s already won the HW GP and I’d say he’d be the heavy favorite to win the OW one as well. The winner of this GP should get a shot at Fedor and his belt, though, IMO.

  3. HijoDelOso says:

    Fedor has seemingly fought his entire career with a broken hand and destroyed the world. I’d hate to think how badly he would hurt opponents if he had two good hands.

  4. HijoDelOso says:

    But, could we please introduce heel managers to mma? Very few of these guys can cut a promo or interview that doesn’t induce narcolepsy. And Chxck Liddell can’t put a sentence together with more than 3 words unless it is a Xience promo. We need Cornette types raising hell on the mic while fighters like Chxck stand behind them glaring at the camera. The Grand Wizard would have been perfect for Fedor. 🙂

  5. HijoDelOso says:

    Rampage, Tito, and Shamrock can talk for themselves, but everyone else needs a Paul Heyman. With just a bit more seriousness, Arn Andersons old promos are probably the best fit for mma.


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