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True Blue Blues: Was TNA Right to Punish Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

By Sheldon Goldberg | February 17, 2006

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By Sheldon Goldberg

One of the hot topics in wrestling this week is TNA’s decision to punish Austin Aries and Roderick Strong for defying TNA’s request to fly to Florida early for their last pay per view and miss the Ring of Honor show for which they had already been booked.

Just reading this story made me realize how much pro wrestling has changed in the past few years. In another time not so long ago, this would not even be an issue. If you’re booked, you honor your commitments no matter what. End of story.

I don’t know Austin Aries or Roderick Strong personally, but as a promoter and as a fan, I have to admire them for being loyal to the company that put them on the map and books them on a regular basis.

TNA is making several huge mistakes here. The first mistake is not having these guys under some sort of exclusive contract if they want to control their bookings. The old cliché that “you get what you pay for” applies here.

The second mistake is not specifically scheduling talent to be there earlier. I would rather pay for an extra day’s hotel room than worry that my key talent won’t be able to make the show. You could use the extra day for promotional appearances and/or pre-tapes. If you are doing shows in the middle of winter and flying most of your talent in, wouldn’t it make sense to give yourself a day’s leeway, just to avoid a situation like this?

TNA’s biggest mistake is picking a fight that they can’t win. Aries and Strong did indeed make the pay per view, so no real harm was done to TNA. Management should have chalked that one up as a lesson and said to themselves, “Let’s figure out a solution so we don’t have this problem in the future.” Penalizing the talent makes them the underdog and creates animosity throughout the roster. Don’t do it guys. You’re not going to gain anything.

I realize that TNA is operating on a very different financial level than WWE, but if you want to play in the big leagues you have to act like you belong there. Don’t leave loose ends with your talent if you don’t have to.

Sheldon Goldberg is the owner of New England Championship Wrestling.

Topics: All Topics, Pro-Wrestling, Sheldon Goldberg, TNA, WWE | 13 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

13 Responses to “True Blue Blues: Was TNA Right to Punish Austin Aries & Roderick Strong”

  1. HijoDelOso says:

    I can’t fault the wrestlers for making a paycheck in ROH. This situation seems like it was done by TNA to send a message to everyone, not just Aries and Strong.

  2. liger05 says:

    The talent did nothing wrong here. TNA are being very ignorant and childish to punish Aries and Strong for fulfilling a booking and still making the TNA PPV anyway.

  3. FDC says:

    They were asked to leave the Northeast to avoid the storm. They risked being stucked there, and even though they did show up, they deserve to be suspsoended, for if they didn’t show, they’d be fired. It’s not like these guys are big name stars that can afford missing a decent pay day.

  4. kyle says:

    This is so gay. Aries and Strong are awesome. They have great talent. Id stay too

  5. Chris says:

    They weren’t asked they were TOLD to leave immeditaly but they decided to stay. Even though they made the PPV they should still be punished.

  6. bela says:

    they are being punished for something that might have happened. not for what happened. no matter what tna says, that is fundamentaly stupid.

  7. Kev says:

    Hey Chris, look at it this way. Does your job have the right to tell you to NOT go out and party the some night, because you MIGHT not make it to work tomorrow? The fact is, TNA had no right, legal or otherwise, to demand they leave and fly in early. God forbid they honored there contract w/ ROH. You don’t see ROH punishing the other TNA guys who left for pulling out 3 hours before the show, do you?

  8. Tomer says:

    Well, to be fair, some jobs do have restrictions on what you can or cannot do placed in the contract, but unless TNA placed a booking clause in their contracts saying they could force the Wrestlers to come in at any time or refuse them from going to other promotions (which I think they may have only for the top level talent), they really don’t have much ground to stand on, legally.

  9. James K. says:

    I hope these two don’t get punished to hard. I watch TNA cause of them and alex shelly. I hate alot of TNA wrestlers, with exception to a few: Christian Cage, AMW, Jay Lethal, Homicide, the James Gang, and Ron “The Truth” Killings is alright, and the Family Champ, I don’t know if they are still dealing with Jeff Hardy or not, but I like him too

  10. Wrestling Fan says:

    Better think again, James. TNA has no plans to book them for TV and PPV for the next several months. TNA acted childishly in this regard. They were right to be concerned about the wrestlers who might get snowed in. Had Aries/Strong missed the PPV, it’s another story. They had prior obligations, it’s not like they wanted to stay home an extra day just for the sake of it. They managed to work the ROH show the night before, and take the train to Florida (I think) in time for TNA PPV. If Aries/Strong won’t be getting paid by TNA for the next few months, I’d quit TNA if I were them. I don’t know how much they’re making from TNA, but they can command a pretty high salary in the indies. It will be better for them than 4 minute matches on every-other Impact / Xplosion. It will also throw a wrench in TNA’s Gen. Next plans.

  11. Kev says:

    They don’t have exclusive contracts, therefore, TNA doesn’t have a leg to stand on. THat’s part of the appeal of TNA for wrestlers, is that they can still work other shows (alot of them can at least) Plus, I don’t think Aries would sign an exclusive contract, as he’s really loyal to ROH ( He is their head trainer for their school afterall.)

  12. Kevin Hardy says:

    well it was thier chioce, i have nothing agiansty there decision.

  13. Erik Erna says:

    Classic wrestling double standard right here. Jeff Hardy and Sean Waltman can MISS several bookings before they are punished, but Aries and Strong make the show (late) and work the match they were scheduled and they are punished. This is what shames me to be a wrestling fan at times.

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