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Report: Carlson Gracie dies

By Zach Arnold | February 1, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Denis Martins (writer for ADCC) contacted me from Brazil today and reported to me that Carlson Gracie died this morning in America. This news comes shortly after an OntheMat report of Gracie being taken to a Chicago-area hospital due to a liver infection.

Update: Rafael Werneck of Gracie Magazine posted the following statement:

February 1st, 2006, will go down in sports history. Carlson Gracie died today. The Jiu-Jitsu grandmaster was in Chicago, USA, where he was in hospital since yesterday due to renal complications. According to his best friend, Oswaldo Paquetá, the death was confirmed this morning.

The cause was not yet totally cleared up by doctors. It is known that Carlson Gracie had been suffering from prostate gland problems and at the time he went into the hospital there were stones in his kidney.

Stay tuned to and we’ll soon bring you further information on Carlson Gracie’s death.’s staff gives Carlson’s family its best wishes, and hopes the grandmaster rests in peace. Thank you for everything.

A message from American Top Team on Mr. Gracie’s death. Kid Peligro’s ADCC report on the story.

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26 Responses to “Report: Carlson Gracie dies”

  1. Dave Hardy says:

    A tragic loss, our thoughts and prayers are with his family and close friends.

  2. Aimee says:

    So sorry to hear about this. My prayers and sincerest condolences are with the family and friends at this time

  3. David S says:

    A pioneer of MMA that has trained an army of people. RIP!

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. Carlson’s friends felt like they were a part of his family. Thank you Carlson.

  5. August says:

    May you now rest with angels and saints by your side. You have touched the lives of many people and the we will all miss you. God bless you and your family at this time of sadness.

  6. Tino says:

    A great Champion, whom has trained many a great warriors… He will be missed in the MMA comunity by all… His accomplishments endless, his character insipring… My condolences to the Gracie family…
    His name will however live forever….

  7. Ryan says:

    You touched many lifes. My condolences go out to all that knew him. RIP

  8. Chris M says:

    The martial arts world is a better place for his presence.

  9. Johnny K says:

    Truly one of the greatest men I have ever had the opportunity to meet. I feel so lucky to have spent two years training with him. Treated every one of his students with the utmost patience, and attention. I Feel truly blessed to have been trained by this legend, and will always remember everything he ever taught me. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. RIP

  10. sbn w. kopf says:

    Very sorry to hear the news…

  11. Derek h. says:

    I did not get to meet him, but did admire him from afar. I was lucky enough to train with Carlson jr. in Haverhill Ma, my condolences to his family,friends and students.

  12. MMA Blogger says:

    R.I.P Carlson Gracie…MMA wouldn’t have been the same without him.

  13. […] reported that BJJ Legend Carlson Gracie has died today. […]

  14. J says:


    He did a seminar with the school i go to a few months ago. He taught me some great moves too and corrected me on the moves which i did wrong. His moto ‘Strong, Strong, With Strength’ and ‘Real, Real, do it for Real.’ I had the great honor, and the rest of class, to have my belt signed and my book signed by him. Also the entire class has a picture with him. Mines is the worst, but Carlson made up for my crappy body image. He outshines everyone in class. He is Jiu-Jitsu itself!


  15. Nuthin much to say. I met him in September and November and I guess I was the last reporter to inteview him in 2005. He was in good-health until then. I was close to him, because his best friend in Brazil, Osvaldo Paqueta, is my godfather!

  16. Tomer says:

    RIP. One of the big name MMA and BJJ trainers throughout his life, a tough loss even for those that may have split off from him, I imagine (such as Vitor Belfort).

  17. David Kang says:

    I always had a dream to get to meet him once. My thoughts and prayers to his family.

    From Far east..

  18. Dave McKeown says:

    He was a true gentleman.
    He will be dearly missed here in the UK.
    I met him a couple of years ago, and had the pleasure to spend most of a weekend with him.

    May he rest in peace.


  19. Brian Smedley says:

    Carlson Gracie, you will be missed dealry, you were truely a pioneer for the sport. RIP Carlson Gracie

  20. Steve Olsher says:

    I had the honor of training under Carlson Gracie Sr. since he first came to Chicago in the Spring of ’02 or ’03 (my mind is a blur now). He was like a father to me and those who came to know him. A caring soul whose passion for the sport of jiu-jitsu was only surpassed by his dedication to his students. Jiu-Jitsu and the MMA world mourn his passing. For those of us who knew him well, our world will never be the same – our paths better defined as we carry on – guided by the strength that is Carlson. With heavy hearts we say “Poja” – rest in peace our friend.

  21. condolences go out to the Gracie Family very sad news
    this is truly a sad moment in the world of MMA, Best wishes to his family.. and what a great man Carlson Gracie was.. R.I.P.

    Ali dehghani sheeva iranian ufc president 2004
    [email protected]
    Asia _iran_Hamedan city

  22. Dave says:

    Wow..I was also at his San Diego Seminar. I got passed out all the way because of his belief in training “REAL”. Its just crazy to think the he was just here passing out his dog stickers and now he’s gone. I wish I could have learned more from him.

  23. Juan Martinez says:

    We will miss you, thanks for all you did in mma I,m Happy to be training with Jeff Neal which is the closest i’ll ever get to carlson gracie R.I.P

  24. Mark Freitas says:

    Carlson will be missed. While he was a legendary fighter, he was also a devoted teacher. I miss him greatly, and thank him for sharing his knowledge with so many.

  25. Ron Kieltyka says:

    With two of my training partners I had the chance to meet and have a picture taken with Carlson at the 2005 Pan-Ams. He went out of his way to make sure the picture would come out good. I was in awe of meeting this living ledgend. I could feel his greatness as I stood next to him. I regret that I never trained with him……but have trained with Alex Derizans, one of his Blackbelts, so I feel I have a part of him inside me. RIP Carlson…miss you …peace

  26. Carlson was one of the greats, he tought many. Carlson made many champions, and made jujitsu what it is today. Everything that has been said was and is needed. He was one of the greatest MMA fighters and trainers, no one will ever be able to replace him. My prayers are with his family and friends. I hope that his sons will carry on were Master Gracie left off on training everyone in the Gracie camp. My best wishes, prayers are with the family. He made what MMa is today, Carlson showed us the good side of the way to fight. R.I.P. my friend.

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