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Wednesday War Room: The Japanese message to UFC about PRIDE

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

By Zach Arnold Printable version of this post at Caleb (of The Fightworks Podcast fame) on whether or not UFC’s purchase of PRIDE is good for the sport for MMA. If the message sent by Shukan Gendai on Monday wasn’t loud enough to Zuffa management to hear, then the message sent by Akira Maeda […]

Akira Maeda calls out PRIDE

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

By Zach Arnold On the RINGS HP blog, HERO’s supervisor Akira Maeda wrote a controversial posting discussing PRIDE and the company’s behind-the-scenes activities. Maeda did so in a roundabout way. Gryphon noticed this posting and he thinks the mystery man Maeda is alluding to is Sakakibara. However, my personal guess he’s alluding to the now […]

Monday mayhem: Thoughts on Shukan Gendai article

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

By Zach Arnold Comments off Printable version over at First, if you haven’t listened to the brand new edition of FOR, go listen. It is an entertaining show that should fly by for 2 hours when you hear it. Everyone did great on the show. Second, make sure to read the latest Shukan Gendai […]

Shukan Gendai: Yakuza owner & problematic employee

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

By Zach Arnold Printable version over at Kakutolog also read the Shukan Gendai article. Motoichiro Takasu also has thoughts about the subject (in Japanese). Today’s edition of Shukan Gendai (pages 34-37, no author byline) has a three-page article about the sale of PRIDE assets by Dream Stage Entertainment to Zuffa LLC/UFC. The title of […]

Monday morning media quarterback

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

Today’s top story obviously is Rulon Gardner and two others surviving a small plane crash. More details here. Bloomberg news reports that the Fertitta Brothers have been successful in making a bid to take Stations Casino private (it was a publicly traded company). The majority of Japanese fight fans did not see PRIDE 33 on […]

Thursday news and links

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

I hope your Valentine’s Day went better than it did for this guy. I shouldn’t say this guy, because the guy happens to be the head of a very strong yakuza group in Japan. Not a fun time for any of the fight groups in Japan right now. Joe Rogan goes to war with comedian […]

Thursday media topics

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Despite a report (and claim by UFC) stating that UFC is preparing to run in the state of New Jersey, information provided to us claims otherwise. The New Jersey State Athletic Control board has supposedly not been contacted with any request to hold dates, get a venue permit, or approve matches for a UFC event […]

Fight Opinion Radio: The Christmas Show

Friday, December 22nd, 2006

Six big MMA guests, five days of taping, four radio team members producing, three guest co-hosts for a segment, two weeks to produce, and one large three-plus hour-long Christmas radio show. An emergency room visit, a visit to the mental institution, armlocks in an American football scrum, Christmas shopping at the mall, and coming home […]

Kawamata names big yakuza groups in appeal

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

By Zach Arnold On August 31st, Seiya Kawamata embarassingly lost a court lawsuit against Nippon TV in Tokyo District Court. Kawamata had sued Nippon TV for 200 million yen that N-TV did not pay him for the disastrous Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003 event. Nippon TV stated that they did not pay Kawamata the money because he […]

First the Zuffa myth, now the Fuji TV myth

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

By Zach Arnold There is a story by Fred Varcoe (writer’s apparent background here and here) that basically is a pro-PRIDE article about their upcoming shows in Saitama and Las Vegas. It reads exactly like what a PRIDE fan would write.

Kawamata loses in court

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

By Zach Arnold For reference to the whole yakuza scandal and 3-way 2003 MMA wars in Japan, use this link. Seiya Kawamata, who had filed a lawsuit in Tokyo District Court against Nippon TV for improper annulment of payment from the Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye TV contract in 2003, has apparently lost his court case. The court […]

Gendai: Gackt associated with DSE owner

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

By Zach Arnold This week’s edition of Shukan Gendai has a top story in their magazine, claiming that popular Japanese music artist Gackt (through the office he is employed with) is associated with Mr. I (Ishizaka), the alleged yakuza owner of PRIDE who is rumoredly hiding in South Korea. In short, attaching the name of […]

Fuji TV stockholders meeting

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

By Zach Arnold Shareholders of Fuji TV stock will meet at the TV network’s annual shareholder’s meeting at the Le Meridien Hotel Grand Pacific. The stockholder activist groups are preparing to put the heat on Fuji TV management for several issues, and one activist site (Labor Net Japan) has the PRIDE scandal listed as a […]

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