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For mobile & tablet users, access our boxing & MMA headlines here

By Zach Arnold | November 22, 2017

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To make our site theme more compatible with mobile & tablet devices, we had to trim off the news sidebars. We’ve developed a temporary solution to address this problem: separate feed pages.

Access the latest MMA headlines here.

Access the latest boxing headlines here.

As you might notice, some RSS links we are trying to access don’t load properly or are dead. We are searching for updated RSS feed links. Send us some tips.

Help wanted

We need your advice on finding a two-column theme compatible for PC, mobile, and tablet devices. E-mail me at [email protected] with all suggestions. If you can’t help us out with technical advice, send us a donation to help pay for a solution. We can and will make this happen.

Topics: Media, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “For mobile & tablet users, access our boxing & MMA headlines here”

  1. Logical says:

    The main reason why I come to this website is for the aggregation of headlines—especially on the left frame as they relate to MMA (though I wouldn’t mind latest news from boxing), but it seems as of lately the links keep getting fewer and fewer, there are less sites being aggregated and some are not even updating. I find myself going to other websites for this very reason.

    I still visit occasionally due to the insider information you present on the main articles and Fight Opinion Radio was pretty amazing.

  2. klown says:

    I’m in the same boat as Logical.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    I miss making my multi point admonishments.

  4. Diaz's packed bowl says:

    UFC is going to let a fighter die trying to make weight before they fix the problem. But while they ignore fighters dying during weight cuts, a new problem has already appeared…
    Namely, fighters are “too tough for their own good” meaning… fighter has been concussed and turned into a walking punching bag. The disgusting display of Holloway serving Ortega 140 strikes in 5 minuts, or Hooker taking 2 rounds of unnecessary strikes with DC screaming “we can stop this fight” shows that there needs to be a third party that steps in when a fighter has been turned in to a punching bag. A third party who’s only concern is the health and safety of the fighter, and mostly preventing further damage after a concussion. Hookers corner said he was concussed several times, yet they didn’t stop it. You don’t let a young guy take that kind of mauling! Now he’s in the hospital and may never be the same, and the corner is at fault. The fight should have been stopped early into the second round, when it was obvious Hooker was no longer defending himself! And the pathetic girls who are clearly outmatched and taking life changing beatings because the ref is letting them be warriors!

    I think Roufus has changed his cornering a bit for the better after he let Pettis go 5 rounds with RDA after being concussed in the first round.

    Pettis is a shot fighter now, he was never the same after that one sided beating.

  5. Logical says:

    This is the best MMA news aggregate site out there. Thank you for fixing it, great job, even better than before. Now if only Fight Opinion Radio would make a comeback 🙂


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