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Video: Chuck Liddell does the Foxtrot

By Zach Arnold | September 21, 2009

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Chuck Liddell & Anna Trebunskaya on season nine of Dancing with the Stars. The reviews are in.

Topics: Media, Zach Arnold | 24 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

24 Responses to “Video: Chuck Liddell does the Foxtrot”

  1. jr says:

    I hope Frank Trigg doesn’t end up like this

  2. Dave says:

    He looked surprisingly good here.

    Chuck finally fixed his footwork!

  3. Ivan Trembow says:

    For me, the top story from the Dancing with the Stars premiere is that Julianne Hough is not among the professional dance partners this season, and that is awful news.

    Also, Chuck Liddell got Anna Trebunskaya as his pro dance partner, and she has never done particularly well on the show. That alone will limit how far he can advance on the show.

  4. Ivan Trembow says:

    I also thought it was insulting and ridiculous the way Liddell was referred to almost as though he’s a savage, just because he’s an MMA fighter. Bruno said that the story of Liddell’s dance was the gentle Neanderthal and the princess. There’s a way to say “tough character and princess” without saying “Neanderthal.” None of the boxers in the show’s history were ever referred to as Neanderthals. Then, when the Iron Chef guy came on in the very next segment, it was all about how he was a martial artist, completely oblivious to the fact that Liddell is also a martial artist. It wasn’t simply a matter of referring to Liddell as “an Ultimate Fighter” instead of “a mixed martial artist.” It was also the fact that they were oblivious to Liddell being a martial artist, as opposed to “someone who can really hurt people.” I hope that the sport of MMA is given more respect in future episodes.

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  6. Bob says:


    Before the routine, Chuck said that people thought fighters (he may have said “ultimate fighters”) were neanderthals and he was there to show a different side.

    So, the judges were just going off of his remarks.

  7. Mark says:

    So sad. Jake LaMotta having to emcee a tiny strip club at the end of Raging Bull had more dignity to it. This is a PSA to get a good accountant and save your money to all fighters.

  8. GassedOut says:

    Actually, Chuck IS an accountant. I very seriously doubt this was about money for Chuck.

  9. Mark says:

    It has been said repeatedly since he started making real money in 2005 he was spending it as fast as he could get it. I’m sure after the financial peak he hit with UFC 66 he believed he’d have income pouring in for several more years so blowing money on parties and sports cars and other fun stuff wasn’t a big deal. Then Rashad Evans happened and he has no income coming in outside of maybe DVD royalties (although most of his work was under that really bad deal UFC had with Ventura Entertainment.)

    Just because he has an accounting degree doesn’t mean he’s good at managing his own money; it’s far easier to tell other people what to spend and what to invest than to tell yourself. My best friend is an accountant very heavily in debt, for instance.

    Think about it like this: How many mohawked metalheads do you know who would go on a ballroom dancing show with Aaron Carter and Tom DeLay for any other reason than they desperately needed money? I rest my case.

  10. 45 Huddle says:

    I think people are making too big of a deal out of this. He is dancing on a reality show. The story ends there.

    If you turn it on, enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, turn it off.

  11. Dave says:

    Uhh I don’t think this is for money as much as it is for fun and exposure.

  12. spacedog says:

    Truthfully I’m amazed at the reaction CL is getting from all’ya’all. DWTS is a huge hit, its not like he’s going on celebrity fit club or some other nonsense.
    And dancing is cool, its hard, chicks love it and its a skill we all wish we had. Plenty of other hard ass athletes have gone on and one well without shaming themselves. I see no reason CL can’t follow in the foot steps of such greats as Jerry Rice and Floyd Wayweather.

  13. 45 Huddle says:

    Unrelated to DWTS, but still newsworthy… Fedor’s hitlist continues to grow:

    1. RINGS
    2. Pride FC
    3. Bodog
    4. Yarennoka
    5. Affliction

    And now…. CBS….,LVS,S,M,GT,MYL,HTZ

    Okay, perhaps that’s stretching a little bit…. And obviously Fedor isn’t responsibly for all the world’s doom. But man, it does feel like anybody who does a business deal with Fedor in anyway has financial problems…. Jeez….

  14. The Gaijin says:

    You’re retarded.

  15. Mark says:

    All network advertising goes down from May until September. Season premieres started last week. Last May, when half-year ad revenues are set, was rough financially and better now. All networks will see better ad dollars in the re-set on February sweeps with a much better economy. Much ado about nothing.

  16. Ivan Trembow says:

    There is nothing shameful about Chuck Liddell dancing on Dancing with the Stars. There is, on the other hand, something shameful about this:

  17. 45 Huddle says:


    True, many businesses have cyclical revenue streams that peak during certain times of the year. However, they can still be compared to previous quarters of the same time frame to see if the company is performing better or worse. Just because they might get more money in another part of the year, doesn’t mean they aren’t hurting….

  18. Zheroen says:

    Ivan, I respectfully disagree. Just because John McCarthy is one of the foremost referees in the sport of MMA, does not mean that once he decided to return, his reliquished license should be automatically-restored. Nevada currently has a limit of six referees, all spots are filled at the moment. Nothing sinister here, IMO.

    45 Huddle, your last comment makes no sense. The cited article specifically mentions that it may well be a cyclical trend as Mark stated, and time will tell if it is something else. If nothing else, it’s definitely not newsworthy MMA-wise or even meriting any association with Fedor.


  19. 45 Huddle says:

    Is BJM being blacklisted? Is this Keizer working on his own? Or does Zuffa have a hand to play in it? Those are the three questions that need to be answered.

    Mayweather owes $5.6 Million in back taxes. The IRS was going to get it anyways, so he paid it instead….

    Ioli is reporting that the Mayweather PPV did over 1 Million PPV Buys. This would surprise me if this is the case. I guess that is what happens when you have almost 5 months of almost nothing in between big super fights….

  20. 45 Huddle says:

    Um, I think people are taking my Fedor ruined CBS post a little too seriously…. I was doing it as more of a joke….. Next time I will put a bunch of “lol’s” all over the post….

  21. Zheroen says:

    I’m not surprised at all by this. Regardless of whether or not it’s due to the rub he received from his bout with previous PPV-king De La Hoya, Mayweather is a bonafide draw these days. Pacquiao looks to have some of the same clout post-ODLH fight, a fight between those two could easily be one of the biggest PPVs of all time (for the record, I have almost zero interest in the business side of sports, I’m just stating what appears to be evident).

  22. Mark says:

    True, many businesses have cyclical revenue streams that peak during certain times of the year. However, they can still be compared to previous quarters of the same time frame to see if the company is performing better or worse. Just because they might get more money in another part of the year, doesn’t mean they aren’t hurting….

    TV channels trade off in cycles who is the one who just can’t do anything right. For the past few years it has been NBC, who hasn’t had a hit outside of Heroes. But now Leno has been giving the smash hit ratings, Sunday Night Football has been doing its best ratings ever and things finally look to be clicking.

    CBS on the other hand, while they were #1 for longer than NBC was on the decline, has been stumbling lately. Their AFC games are a little below standards, Survivor wasn’t the ratings juggernaut they had hoped since they were bragging this was its best season ever, and the CSI franchise isn’t what it used to be. They do have a Monday night comedy block to keep them a little happier, as How I Met Your Mother is neck and neck with their other hit sitcom (the painfully unfunny IMO) Two And A Half Men. So basically they control Monday nights for people who don’t have cable or don’t like football. Other than that it’s their turn to slip. But a Saturday night MMA special they pay chump change for doesn’t register on the radar either way. Sorry.

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