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WWE posts details on PRIDE meeting

By Zach Arnold | November 19, 2006

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On the WWE HP, the article discusses Vince McMahon talking with DSE officials about Hustle.

Hustle Mania takes place this Thursday at Yokohama Arena with HG’s retirement match from pro-wrestling. How can you not love Generalissimo Takada and HG on the same stage together. We can’t forget about Ogawa, either.

Topics: All Topics, PRIDE, Pro-Wrestling, WWE, Zach Arnold | 18 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

18 Responses to “WWE posts details on PRIDE meeting”

  1. Mr1000Cent says:

    This would be great news, if only Josh Barnett and CroCop were in the 2007 Royal Rumble. Heck, throw in Fedor, so Fedor and CroCop can draw #1 and #2. That would be better then the year both members of Demolition started out the Rumble :D.

  2. Frankie the Cranky says:

    This is absolutley hilarious! After Zach and his monkeys crow about how “Pride” was heading for McMahon driven destruction, the most obvious answer emerges.

    Pride has absoultley NO crossover with Hustle. (except a Saku outfit or 2)

    WWE will have nothing to do with Pride- EVER. Even if Vinny helps them out with their promotions, which is unlikely.

    I tried to listen to the radio show about this, but dipped out after 10 minutes.

    Unrelenting self serving dross.

    I wish Zach would go into talks with Vince….

  3. TorontoMike says:

    Frankie is correct… there’s a lot of idiots who may have trouble reading his post though, what with all that egg (and semen) all over their faces.

  4. PizzaChef says:

    Are you two fucking stupid? In the last thread they were talking about a mere possibility. Hell even Zach said THIS:

    Zach Arnold Says:
    November 17th, 2006 at 11:51 am

    Right now, my stance is look at this as nothing more than window dressing. Remember, WWE publicized a meeting with Simon Inoki of New Japan several months ago. And nothing resulted from it.


    Frankie, quit being a mark and quit being in denial about PRIDE’s POSSIBLE downfall and POSSIBLY working with WWE. That’s if you even know what the words possible and possibly mean.

    And Mike. God, no wonder Canada hates Toronto. Cause dumbasses like you make Toronto look bad!

  5. BSP says:

    “Egg (and semen).” Not sure I’ll ever be able to eat runny scrambled eggs again. Thanks Mike.

    And what the hell is the deal with Takada and his outfit? I don’t follow pro-wrestling, so I’ve never seen him in anything but the suit he wears to PRIDE events (well… and that culturally interesting diaper he wore to the one Bushido).

  6. Actually, the article talks more about Pride as an MMA org than about Hustle. So I don’t see why people are assuming this was all Hustle talk. And if it was all Hustle talk, why didn’t all the reports say HUSTLE, which is the org’s name, or at least DSE, which is the parent company that owns both Pride and Hustle. They said PRIDE, and they choose their words carefully. If they aren’t really planning to do anything, they are at least wanting people to think they might do something.

    Anyways, personally I’m happy that nothing definate has been announced. Although I would sit back and be entertained by a Pride-WWE partnership, I think in the end it would probably be a wreck.

  7. PizzaChef says:

    BSP: That’s one of Takada’s pro wrestling outfits for HUSTLE. He’s the main bad guy, leader of the “Takada Monster Army” (a faction of bad guys) out to destroy the HUSTLE faction (the good guys). His gimmick is like M.Bison/Vega from Street Fighter 2 I guess.

  8. PizzaChef says: In my view they mention PRIDE cause MMA is big, and PRIDE is a big name in MMA. So if they mention that, they get a lot of attention from the pro wrestilng and MMA community, even if they’re not going to do anything with PRIDE. Besides, if they posted “Dream Stage Entertainment” or “HUSTLE” on the main news page when this first became news, the casual fan would be like “omg wtf is Dream Stage Entertainment/HUSTLE?” So they stick a PRIDE banner up there to send some shockwaves, and boy did they ever.

  9. Yep I agree. Pro Wrestling is terrible for making shit up to get attention for itself … you can never beleive anything a wrestler or an organization says without thinking hard about it. Unfortunately they do stuff like this because they know they can get a reaction. News sites can either ignore this kinda stuff and be caught with their pants down or present the information to people and let them make up their mind. Obviously I’m a fan of the ‘Let people know what’s up and let them figure out what to make of it’ school of thought.

  10. Mr. Roadblock says:

    The article was posted the day before UFC 65. I wouldn’t put it past Vince to have been doing that to take attention away from the stellar UFC card. He did the same thing by trying to snatch Goldie away before his debut show on USA (too bad that didn’t work out, Goldie is tough to take).

  11. TorontoMike says:

    LOL @ stellar card

    Seriously… LOL

  12. JThue says:

    Come on Zach, at least don’t go tabloid on us!

    “On the WWE HP, the article discusses Vince McMahon talking with DSE officials about Hustle.”

    Where in the blue hell does it say that the talks were about Hustle? Yes it is noticeable that they mention Hustle’s existence all of a sudden(mostly because they even bring up Hustlemania), but absolutely nothing is said about what the talks were about, yet you tell the people who trust you and don’t check the link temselves otherwise. Misleading journalism 101.

  13. mose says:

    Frankie the Cranky said:

    Pride has absoultley NO crossover with Hustle. (except a Saku outfit or 2)

    From my memory this is false. Randleman, Ogawa, Giant Silva, Coleman, Bobbish, etc. have all appeared in the Hustle ring and Pride ring.

  14. Edward says:

    In addition to what mose said, the HUSTLE character “Russian 54” is explicitly based on Ogawa’s 54-second submission loss to Fedor.

  15. The Gaijin says:


    I think that the trend that the articles they are posting is (as I previously stated) that they were initially looking to steal some attention/thunder from the talks by implicating PRIDE with their discussions with DSE. Now suddenly they begin bringing HUSTLE into the mix – as I said before, a classic case of “bait and switch”. And for their part it has worked, in that boards such as this and Sherdog et al, stood up and took notice.

  16. GassedOut says:

    Scary day when I agree with Gaijin. But it was truthfully the best bait-and-switch I’ve seen in a long time…and I’m IN pro sales.

  17. JThue says:

    I’m not drawing any conclusions whatsoever about what this is or isn’t about. Just being critical towards the report here.

    Is there no coverage of this in Japan? New Japan milked the cow every bit as much as WWE did, so one would expect DSE to do the same, especially if the situation is the same.

  18. The Gaijin says:

    Fair enough but I just was attempting to be a voice of reason to ALL the people who immediately jumped on the bandwagon of admonishing PRIDE and saying they’d lost all credibility blah, blah. All the while taking their main source of this information from A PRO WRESTLING WEBSITE!!!!!

    The same one listing people with the name the Boogeyman from Parts Unknown or having fighters with “Muay Thai backgrounds” named Punk…

    GassedOut – I don’t think I’ve made too many outlandish or disagreeable claims that it’s completely insane we’re agreeing on something!!!

    And for the record for people who think I only support PRIDE, I like the UFC a great deal as well, when they put on good cards and good fights – The last card was very impressive and it looks like there’s a few hot new faces for them to push – but when they feed TUF crap down our throats and it receives terrible ratings, I think some people here should be equally as critical of them as they are of DSE.

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