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Alleged changes in WWE’s drug testing policy

By Zach Arnold | September 6, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

On Wednesday, Bryan Alvarez reported that there are changes happening with the WWE’s “Wellness” Policy (aka drug policy). Alvarez reports that wrestlers who now fail tests (and receive suspensions such as 30-day, 60-day, etc.) will continue to appear on television, but they will be working for free during the time of their suspension. Furthermore, Alvarez claims that several wrestlers on the RAW roster did, in fact, fail drug tests and will continue to be wrestling on the road without earning a salary.

If this policy sounds familiar, it should. It happened in the 1990s when McMahon had drug testing. From the mindset of a wrestling promoter, having wrestlers fail drug tests and be yanked from television/PPVs after being suspended wreaks havoc on trying to book long-term programs. For McMahon’s rationale, he can still claim publicly that wrestlers who fail drug tests are in fact suspended without pay, therefore claiming that the policy still has teeth. Given the lack of negative attention about McMahon’s “Wellness” policy in the general public, it’s doubtful that he will face any sort of negative repercussions at all by these new changes.

More information on this story is available at F4W Online.

Topics: All Topics, Media, Pro-Wrestling, WWE, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Alleged changes in WWE’s drug testing policy”

  1. Erin says:

    So, in other words, too many wrestlers tested positive and there’s no way to take them all off of TV without screwing the plotline all to hell. So we’ll just change the rules a bit. Way to lay down the law there WWE.

  2. HijoDelOso says:

    I picture Vinnie Mac sitting before a roaring fire in the great hall of Castle McMahon with an 80 year old Cognac and cubano cigar in hand when the lightbulb goes off in the reptilian portion of his brain stem and he dictates a memo to his personal scribe…..

    To all WWE vassels,

    Due to the overwhelming success of of my wellness policy, we no longer have a pharmaceutical problem in the WWE, thus no suspensions or firings will be necessary going forward. For those of you who still use Vicks Vapor Rub, I will generously allow you to donate 30 days of your wages to me in exchange for continuing your unwarranted and undeserved push on WWE tv.

    With warmest regards,

    Vincent K. McMahon
    Overlord and Master of WWE

  3. Luke says:

    Vince McMahon – What have you done with the real Dana White? And, did his father really work for you?

  4. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Vince is a genius. He only pushes the huge guys that juice. Then he suspends them w/out pay put still puts them on TV when they get caught juicing.

    Vince for President. I’d vote for him.

  5. Chuck says:

    Holy shit! This is fucking indentured servitude to the max. But still, fuck the wrestlers who decide to use some sort of illegal steroid. Isn’t going o the WWE quite the business decision, eh? I’m sure many of the gashead and pothead wrestlers who don’t want to really change their lifestyle much will probably venture to TNA if they can.

  6. Does anyone honestly care if any wrestler is “roided up” or not? I mean honestly. I’m a fan but couldn’t give a shit less if anyone takes roids or not. I believe in personal responsibility (which is why I’m libertarian I suppose), which means let em take roids, when they die at 50, it’s their own fucking fault.

  7. Bigg Dubb says:

    How fucking hypocritical is this shit! Vinny Mac practically promotes the use of ‘Roids by pushing the huge guys…then, you put some douche-bag policy in effect and it ruins wrestlers pay. I am sure they still have to pay for their road expenses..which are tax write offs..but still. These wrestlers really need to be in some sort of union. either entertainment/SAG or formt their own.

  8. HijoDelOso says:

    The real way Lord Vincent pushes enhanced physiques is by his own example. 60 year olds don’t look like the Ultimate Warrior no matter how many Pilates classes they take.


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