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Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 10

By Zach Arnold | March 10, 2006

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Rob Sayers, Erin Bucknell, and Zach Arnold recap the UFC 58 event from Las Vegas. In addition, we review the UFC vs. IFL court battle, the formation of the IFL as a league (including the fighters they’ve hired as coaches), and also an interview with Keegan Walsh of Fight Report. Keegan talks with Rob & Zach about the regulation of MMA in California and the impact it will have on boxing promoters, along with UFC’s fascination with the boxing media.

The tenth edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Here are your options for listening to the show:

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Or you can use the great flash player to listen to it streaming (without having to use an external program). Check it out (down below).


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Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, podcasts, Rob Sayers, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 10”

  1. Frankie J says:

    You know this guy needs to you know stop saying you know every you know second it’s really you know irritating!!

  2. […] I was a guest on this episode and shared my thoughts with Zach and Rob on the relationship between Boxing and MMA. Check it out here. […]


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