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Fight Opinion Radio: Episode 9
By Zach Arnold | March 2, 2006

Rob Sayers, Erin Bucknell, and Zach Arnold recap the PRIDE 31 show that took place on 2/26 at Saitama Super Arena. In addition, we preview the upcoming UFC 58 show and give our positives/negatives on the business direction of the company. In addition, we play some short audio clips from Sherdog’s post-match press conference interviews with winners Josh Barnett & Mark Coleman. A special thanks to Sherdog.
The ninth edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Here are your options for listening to the show:
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We are looking for new sponsors. E-mail me if you are interested in having both site & radio show ads.
To contact us for show feedback, you can e-mail any of us on the Fight Opinion radio staff.
- Zach Arnold – [email protected]
- Rob Sayers – [email protected]
- Erin Bucknell – [email protected]
- Group e-mail account – [email protected]
Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, podcasts, Rob Sayers, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
great show–
love hearing about the recent pride card. like rob, at first i doubted the card and was thinking of skipping it. but as time got closer to the event, i realized that there were some world class fighters on that card.
the night of the event was perfect. i ate sushi, grabbed some junk food in the market, tuned in to the show, found that my friends password wasn’t working, he called cable and 1 minute before the show, the cable was activated.
a sleeper show that delivered on all levels. very glad pride showed ALL fights, took out most of the walks to the ring.
only negative is i would have loved to seen the entire coleman brawl–the editing was awful at that point– also a little too wwe behind the scenes.
still– a fantastic event. this show is a model for what mma shows can and should be. i love that i dont have to hear about someones sponsors– it is just the fighters and the fights.
Since Zach locked the thread for last week’s show, I was not able to post anything about this last week. So yeah, now is as good a time as any.
As everyone knows by now, Mike and I are no longer a part of FOR. We made the decision to leave a few weeks ago, and gave a month’s notice.
I know that both Mike and I would have preferred to at least say our “goodbyes” on-air, but it was not to be. In any event, I just like to thank everyone who listened to both the FOR and PPH shows…it was a blast for the 8 months that I was involoved with it all, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
And of course, I have to thank Zach for the opportunity as well.
Much like Mike said last week, I’m sure that Rob, Erin, Luke, et al. will carry on the good name of FOR to even greater heights. So yeah, that’s it…thanks, goodbye, and keep an eye out for Mike and I elsewhere in the coming weeks.
Thanks Adam, I appreciate the kind words. Best of luck with your new project.
Erin Bucknell is ignorant about MMA and makes no substantive contribution to the show whatsoever. Contrary to popular belief, an intelligent discursive response is not some variant of “oh I’ve never seen him fight before†or “oh this was my first time seeing Nogueira†(despite the fact that he has been fighting since 1999). Additionally, someone who pretends to be a fan of fighting should have at least a vague familiarity with Japanese culture. The only thing that makes her egregious naivety about Kazuhiro Nakamura’s refusal to tap worse was that Josh Barnett explained the mentality and the reason behind it explicitly in his post-fight interview (which you played to begin the segment). The ethos has everything to do with bushido, or more directly the ultra-nationalistic ties that many Japanese people still feel towards the samurai lifestyle. I would direct Erin to do some research on Enson Inoue to learn more about the topic above, but I’m sure her response would be something similar to “I don’t know who that isâ€.
Ok. Erin has been doing the show for two weeks, and she only got into MMA when TUF came about last year. She’s a relatively new fan. She’s not pretending to be a fan. Give her a chance. I’m sure as she watches more PRIDE, she’ll learn more. She was probably being careful not to over-reach and try to know more than she knows. I’d rather someone just admit to not knowing something, rather than try to fake it.
Last week’s show laid out who the hosts are, their backgrounds, knowledge level, and so forth. I personally feel a lot better about someone who is honest than someone trying to impersonate being an “expert” because they are on a radio show.
Erin brings a good perspective to the show, in my opinion. Good personality, honest, and logical. And learning. She did raise a fair and interesting argument, which is what benefit was there for Nakamura to not submit in the ankle holds and try to save himself from getting seriously injured hurt? I understand your point about the fighting spirit and Japanese culture, and I agree with you about it. I also agree with the point she brought up as well.
Heh, thanks for the backup guys. All I’m really gonna say in my defense is that, as Luke pointed out, I’ve been a fan of MMA in general for only a little over a year and that was only the second Pride PPV I have ever seen. Sure, I could spend time and money going back and watching old Pride PPVs and I most likely will, eventually. Learing in depth, about anything, takes time, and until then, all I can offer is my opinion as a fan, and nothing more.
Hi Gang.. can’t say guys.. cuz of Erin..
As far as the comments on Erin’s lack of familiarity with Pride it isn’t really a big deal. I have been a fan of the sport since the first UFCs but never really got into Pride until very very recently. I saw a couple of the early Pride shows with the Gracies.. where the matches were literally no-time-limit.. and that was a turn-off for me. I am just glad to know there are some females out there who enjoy the sport.
Secondly, I want to address the card for UFC: US vs Canada. There has been a lot of discussion on this podcast and other newsgroups regarding the “other fights” .. the ones besides GSP and Bj Penn and The Crow and Franklin. Since the tournament style matches of the early UFC.. I think it has become harder to create a larger base of fighters to which people are more familiar with. Even if they culled fighters from KOTC or HookNShoot or the other smaller shows.. most fans wouldn’t be familiar with them. I think this show will be good exposure for our northern brethern who have actually been the strongest wave of fighters in recent time. Earlier waves were fighters from Brazil.. then Japan.. then Russia..
and now Canada. I think the next wave will be from the Netherlands.. due to Overeem. Bas was probably the first ambassador.. but there was no following.
Anyways.. just my 2 cents.. keep up the good work.
On an unrelated note, the closest mma to Jackson, Mississippi is in New Orleans, not Memphis. People like Leonardo Pinheiro Xavier and Team Voodoo (Rich Clementi’s team) have been in the area for a while now.
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I’ve followed Pro Wrestling most of my life. However I didn’t get onto the internet until about 2000. Where I discovered an interesting thing. People who’ve watched Pro Wrestling longer than others, some how assume this gives them some sort of status of superiority. Here’s the essential flaw in this point of view, watching for a long time doesn’t mean you know anymore than anyone else. It simply means you have had more exposure than anyone else.
I didn’t discover Noguera, I wasn’t in Brazil 20 years ago and saw a young boy and said he’s gonna be an MMA champion. I wasn’t there when Sakibara and company put Pride together, though I would have resoundling supported the giant Index finger up logo. I remember seeing a special on tv about Punk Music, and the interviewer asked What’s a poser. The best answer came from a guy I would classify as a punk who said, We’re all posers. None of us were born this way, we all discovered, and therefore none of us are any better than the other. You didn’t invent MMA dude, neither did I, neither did anyone on this website. We all discovered it, developed opinions on it, and here we are.
As for Erin’s contribution to the show, I just don’t see where you coming from. Admittedly Erin’s a friend, and therefore I’m naturally inclined to enjoy hearing her. But at the same time I enjoyed listening to her on the PPH wayback before I even new her. I’ve had her on my show, she’s a good guest and I feel a good host. She interesting, opinionated, and has personality. You certainly have the right to feel that everyone who appears on fight opinion Radio have some kind of arbitrary qualifications. But I happen to believe that if someone’s interesting and atleast talking about something they have atleast some knowledge of, she was talking about a pay per view she had seen and her hopes for the one she’s going to see, then they have more than the qualification needed to be on the radio. Not saying your wrong, just saying I disagree.
I can understand what Luke A. is saying, and Erin certainly doesn’t need any more back, but she can and is playing a very pivital role for the show because she – like many of the listeners – has only recently came along into following and enjoying MMA, and I dont think it’s ever a bad thing to have a “fan” perspective thrown into the mix of talk about the fight business where everybody seemingly swears they know it inside-and-out.
I’ll take hearing Erin’s honesty over a battle of 15-year olds calling each other “nuthugging n00bs” in the Sherdog forum any day.