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Fight Opinion radio – file sharing

By Zach Arnold | January 23, 2006

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Gambit’s Blog has a great link to a BitTorrent client called uTorrent. I fully admit that I have zero knowledge about BitTorrent files. However, the program GB links to not only accepts BitTorrent feeds, but it also creates them. However, because I have no knowledge of how to work with BT files, I’m not sure how it works.

If you are a regular Fight Opinion reader and want to take the MP3s of our radio shows and create BT feeds out of them so that more people can download and share them with file sharing programs, I strongly encourage you to do it!

Reference Link: FOR #3: UFN Review

For those of you who watch video of fight clips online, how popular is this trend becoming with both you and your friends? Do you use Google Video or do you strictly use BT? I am not asking you to name legal or illegal file sharing sites, but I am curious as to the methods in which you watch fight videos online and if you prefer watching video online as opposed to watching it on DVD.

Topics: All Topics, Fight Opinion Radio, Zach Arnold | 19 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

19 Responses to “Fight Opinion radio – file sharing”

  1. As an MMA fan without access to regular TV broadcasts and a limited budget for expensive interational shippings of DVD:s. Using BitTorrent clients and other filesharing programs are a great way of getting access to MMA and pro wrestling events.

    The New Years Eve shows is just one recent example of a show not availible in my area. Would it been availiable in my area I´d like to think I would have endorsed the product by buying it on ppv.

    /Henrik Rautila

  2. Steve says:

    Torrents are a great idea. You should ride that wave as far as you can go with it, it’ll save you lots of bandwidth since people won’t need to directly download your audio from the servers.

  3. Andy says:

    I personally watch all my MMA from BitTorrent. Living in the UK, there really isnt much provision for an MMA fan to watch their sport, so there isnt much choice!

  4. […] Zach Arnold continues the discussion on P2P but in the context of the MMA and Pro Wrestling community, For those of you who watch video of fight clips online, how popular is this trend becoming with both you and your friends? Do you use Google Video or do you strictly use BT? I am not asking you to name legal or illegal file sharing sites, but I am curious as to the methods in which you watch fight videos online and if you prefer watching video online as opposed to watching it on DVD. […]

  5. Zach Arnold says:

    Thanks to all who replied. However, I do need someone to explain to me how uTorrent works and how to create BT feeds of the MP3 radio shows so I can actually use this technology. Please help!

  6. Ryan says:

    Ok, so you want to upload a torrent to the net. Let’s us the biggest torrent site out there: for this example.

    You have the file and you want to put it up, well you need to pick a tracker to use (has nothing to do with websites) this will host your file kinda so you can then upload it to a http:// site so the world can get it. There are TONS of trackers on different sites. — pro wrestling / mma stuff there. Has their own tracker. — biggest http:// site but doesn’t have their own tracker. – best tracker, good site.

    etc.. etc…

    We need to pick a tracker, if you go to they give you 2 free trackers anybody can use. We will use

    So in utorrent, go to create new torrent. For the select source, you will want to pick the file you are going to upload. Then for torrent properties put in the under tracker. Then go to create and save as.

    Now you have the .torrent file on your hardrive. We need people to actually see the file now, so we are going to upload it to (you can upload it now to ALL the sites you want to also).

    Go to do the select torrent, then find the file on your hard drive. Now for category I’d put it under other/other, when people post wrestling audio shows and the like they put it there, anything under music will get buried. Then choose a name of the file (which people will see on the site), then put the description of the torrent (there you can plug the website too).

    Hit upload, now it will be on their site, then start up utorrent and load up the .torrent file you just made. Once people connect you will start to upload to them.

    Hope that helps, I’m sure there are other guides you can find on google that could help too.

  7. Ryan says:

    Also, if you use a free tracker like or keep in mind that the stats won’t update on the http:// sites at all, or correctly because it’s getting 100% crushed by TONS of other people using the same tracker and it’s flooded. It will still show up on the site fine and you will have no problems giving the file out, but it won’t have accurate stats on the site.

    Once you get the hang of this, you can register (free) to a good place like . They don’t have open registration right now, but do once every few days or so. Then use their tracker, upload it to their site, then upload to or any other site you want. Or you could go with, same deal.

    There is one ultimate MMA tracker, which I can’t give out the addy, but that would be another place also. They are the ones who has 1,000 of fights + all the Pride/UFC events there which anybody can get. They, like most sites where you have to register, have a ratio monitor. That means if you are a leech and just download and don’t upload, you will get banned from the site. They keep stats of what you get and you should try to stay around 1:1 — so if i d/l 10 gigs you should u/l around 10 gigs.

  8. David says:

    The “ultimate MMA tracker” is down though isn’t it? I just get an error when I try and go there (and I have re-registered since they moved)… sad, I had an amazing ratio and invites and all. Not even an email with what happened.

  9. David says:

    Never mind me, it seems the new domain is down but the previous one works…

  10. Paul says:

    I was reregistered as well and now it seems they have disappeared again. I tried the previous 2 domains but with no luck. Anyone else having the same problem?

  11. Petey says:

    I’m in the same boat as David. I had like a 10.5 ratio & 2 invites. I have also tried the 2 most recent addresses and haven’t had any luck. I ended up going to Pirates Bay for the most recent UFC. Anyone with any info on what happened to the site, please post.

  12. Zach Arnold says:

    I do not endorse illegal file sharing, and I should add that even though my background throughout my entire life was in computers, I am stupid when it comes to file-sharing technology. Ignorance is bliss. 🙂

  13. Greg says:

    Yeah, does anyone have a clue as to what happened to the site we are all referring to? I am puzzled, and being in Australia, it was my only link to most overseas MMA!!!

  14. panzer says:

    i live in norway so bit torrent and p2p sharing is the only way i can see the newest ufc / pride fc events, i have manny good sites so i dant have a problem getting the new stuff, but there was so much more stuff at the mma site ind im sorry too see it go, but i am getting a big dvd collection on pride fc and ufc, yes its expencive but its worth it

  15. Kurtis says:

    Same here. I’d love to know what happened to our favorite tracker. The fact that the page doesn’t even load with a message saying that maintanence is being performed leads me to belive that it has been taken down permanently. I hope this is not true and we can find it up again soon.

  16. panzer says:

    the mma tracker has changed www, email me at panzer_33(@)

  17. panzer says:

    i will not answer anny more emails, i dont know why the mma tracker is down
    if it has moved again i dont know

  18. wanderley says:

    I think that it’s true…M..M..A TRA… IS DEAD. Too much pression from copyrights and trademarks. I think that UFC and PRIDE events had enough money to fuck all of us, so they take down our missed, cryed and addictive tracker with dirty hacker’s tricks GOD SAVE MMA!!!
    P.D If somebody can connect, please post it here, i’m desesperate

  19. panzer says:

    the tracker is not dead , but its not open for new registrations, soo it does not help you guys to know the address, sorry

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