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Live review of Ultimate Fight Night on Spike TV

By Rob Sayers | January 16, 2006

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By Rob Sayers & Zach Arnold

This is where we will be doing live note-taking on UFC’s UFN special on Spike TV. Last-minute links to read before the show:

If you do your own review of the UFN show on your blog and want to trackback to us, use this URL.

Our live review starts down below this sentence.

Chris Leben vs Jorge Rivera

After feeling eachother out standing and in the clinch, Leben took Rivera down with a trip. After taking a few short strikes, Rivera managed to get the fight back standing. The fight then alternated between the clinch and striking until Leben landed a hard left hand dropping Jorge to his knees. Leben proceded to land a few hard strikes until Big John stopped the fight giving The Crippler the TKO victory.

Drew Fickett vs Josh Burkman

Early on Burkman shot for a takedown. Fickett avoided it but got pushed against the fence. They clinched for a short while before seperating and both taking some hard swings at eachother. After another clinch, Burkman threw Fickett down and caught him in a guillotine choke as Drew attempted to get back to his feet. Josh fell back to sink in the choke with Fickett tapping soon after.

The big announcement

Matt Hughes will face Royce Gracie in May.

Stephan Bonnar vs James Irvin

After both fighters threw a few punches, Bonnar took Irvin down and was clearly in control. He secured a figure-4 grip and nearly transitioned into an armbar. Irvin exploded out of the submission attempt and stood up only to be taken down again. Bonnar took side control and again secured a figure-4 grip to lock in a kimura. After a long while of cranking the shoulder befoer Irvin tapped giving Stephan the submission win.

Jonathan Goulet vs Duane Ludwig

Fight starts, Ludwig throws one right hand and puts Goulet on the canvas 11 seconds into the fight for the KO victory.

Tim Sylvia Vs. Assuerio Silva

The first round was spent about half in the clinch with Silva doing his best to avoid the reach of Sylvia. After they finally engaged, Silva seemed hesitant to commit to any attack. Sylvia landed a few good shots.

The second round was pretty back and forth on strikes with Silva opening a cut on Sylvias left eye. Pretty even round.

The third round was spent with Sylvia again controlling all the stand up and landing some good shots, but never able to land anything hard. Silva was attempting a suplex takedown when Tim illegally grabbed the fence to prevent this. Another attempted shot was stopped later in the round as Sylvia continued to pepper Assuerio with shots until the bell. He won the unanimous decision granting him a rematch with current champ Andre Arlovski.

Special thanks to Burning Spirit to linking to our post and translating into Japanese.

Topics: All Topics, Rob Sayers, UFC, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “Live review of Ultimate Fight Night on Spike TV”

  1. Tomer says:

    Nice TKO by Leben in the opener (stopping Rivera with a left (?) hook and following up with a flurry of punches to the side of the head from side control in the 4 point position at 1:44 of Rd. 1). I think they’ll be trying to convince him to be the next opponent for the Franklin/Loiseau winner, although I still think he should get 1 or 2 more fights before they push him to that (maybe against Evan Tanner in a last chance fight for Tanner?).

  2. Tomer says:

    Pretty damn quick guillotine by Burkman on Fickett during the takedown attempt gives Burkman the quick submission win. Nice win for Burkman, who should have plenty of competition at Welterweight and be a solid addition.

  3. Jurra says:

    So when is the big announcment? Really fast fights so fare, how long is the broadcast? Will they show any of the underfights to fill up the time if they have to or they are just going to show more commercials?

  4. Tomer says:

    Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie is being set up in the announcement, as expected.

  5. Jurra says:

    I hate the UFC.

  6. Cell says:

    Bang is back, vicious knockout, too bad Yamasaki was a dolt and didn’t call the KO right away otherwise Bang would have the fastest KO in UFC history.

  7. Zach Arnold says:

    Rob – a big thank you for doing the live review of the show. I’ll add any further notes in the comments section here.

  8. Erin says:

    Not a bad so overall, but nothing fantasmic. The announcement while it will be a great fight, not exactly the earth shattering thing that UFC was claiming. Also Andrie has no reason to worry about his belt and I never want to see Sylvias underwear again. Whole in depth review thingy on my website.

  9. Chris says:

    Tim Sylvia STOMPS a downed opponent and holds on to the fence to prevent a takedown and IS NOT penalized a single point? Huh?!?

  10. Luke says:

    I thought it was a good show, but nothing that blew me away. I was impressed with the announcement of Royce vs. Hughes, simply because I never thought Royce would return to UFC. It should be a good fight, and hopefully is beneficial to Hughes’ career in the fashion that UFC is hoping for.

  11. Wes Black says:

    Royce vs Hughes, so this is the biggest UFC announcement of “all times”? In booking fights like this I can’t figure out if Zuffa is looking to evoke nostalgia from the good ol’ SEG days , or trying to crush any legend the old regime produced. Either way it will equal a quick buck, like the Tank and Shamrock return matches did, all while making Royce not look like the fighter fans remember him being (again Tank and Shamrock).

  12. Luke says:

    I don’t think that anyone who saw Royce Gracie fight in UFCs 1-4 will remember him any differently after he fights Matt Hughes. He’ll still be remembered as a legend and pioneer in MMA, who helped put UFC on the map.


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