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Archive for November, 2008

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Hermes Franca: Real man of genius (and DUI)

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Hermes Franca was arrested on DUI charges after leaving the WEC 36 event in Hollywood, Florida.

Tough questions asked about WEC’s future after Urijah Faber loses

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

How will WEC management shape the company’s future now that Urijah Faber lost to Mike Brown on Wednesday night in South Florida?

Quick thoughts on WEC 11/5 Florida event

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

WEC’s two most-known champions, Paulo Filho and Urijah Faber, lost Wednesday night in Florida to Chael Sonnen and Mike Brown, respectively.

Media notebook: Heat-up for tonight’s WEC event in Florida

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

Randy Couture said that he hopes fighters get health insurance and retirement pensions. Didn’t he have a chance to fight for these things during his contractual dispute with UFC?

Matt Lindland loses Oregon state house political race

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

MMA fighter Matt Lindland lost on Tuesday in the political contest in the 52nd District of Oregon (State Representatives race). His opponent was Democrat Suzanne VanOrman.

What? Paulo Filho misses weight by 7 pounds for Chael Sonnen WEC fight

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Paulo Filho missed weight for his 185-pound WEC title match against Chael Sonnen. Filho weighed in at 192 pounds.

Pro Elite assets to be auctioned off on November 17th

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

According to a new SEC filing for Pro Elite Inc., assets related to the organization will be put up for auction on a November 17th fire sale.

WEC 11/5 Florida card line-up

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

This Wednesday night, Urijah Faber takes on Mike Brown (American Top Team) in the main event of WEC’s latest fight card in South Florida. The show will air on The Versus Network. Jens Pulver and Leonard Garcia will also face each other on the main card.

Report: Chris Leben tests positive for Stanozolol

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

According to Dave Meltzer, UFC 89 main-eventer Chris Leben has failed a UFC-administered drug test. Leben reportedly tested positive for Stanozolol.

Let your fighters go free, Elite XC

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

There are multiple media reports today claiming that Elite XC will not let its fighters become free agents. These fighters are stuck in limbo and will not be able to fight any time soon if they are not released from their contracts. While Jeremy Lappen and Gary Shaw made money in Elite XC management, fighters like Scott Smith and Joey Villasenor will be struggling to pay the bills and buy Christmas presents.

Sengoku starts building up card for their 1/4 Saitama Super Arena event

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Takanori Gomi vs. Satoru Kitaoka seems to be on the horizone for the next Sengoku event on January 4th at Saitama Super Arena.

What is the big deal about Affliction in MMA?

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

How is it that Tom Atencio, who has ran exactly one show in the MMA industry, been able to garner so much PR coverage and convince media-types to take him seriously?

Videos & Reports: Sengoku 11/1 Saitama Super Arena event

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Takanori Gomi loses a judge’ decision… in Japan. Plus, Satoru Kitaoka won the Lightweight GP tournament series and Jorge Santiago defeated Kazuhiro Nakamura to win the Middleweight GP tournament series. In other words, a pretty lousy night for the event promoters.

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